Our certification program is unique. It raises the standards of Nuad Thai salons, and makes it easy for customers to make an ethically sound choice.
This is how we train and certify salons.
The certification process
- Application: the salon owner applies. Nuad Thai Nordic inspects and researches the salon’s background.
- Official Inspection: the salon is inspected to ensure it adheres to the standards required by the relevant authorities
- Social Orientation Course: an online course that equips participants with basic knowledge about Swedish society, the services that exist and their rights and responsibilities.
- Business Management Course: helps salon owners understand the rules and regulations that they need to know in order to operate a business in Sweden.
- Certification Ceremony: successful participants are invited to a ceremony where they receive the Nuad Thai Certified logo for use in their salon.
- Ongoing Support and Follow-Up: certified salons receive on-going training, individual business coaching and support from Nuad Thai Nordic. Salons are monitored to ensure that they maintain high standards.
To participate in our certification program the applicant must:
- have a work permit or be a resident or citizen of Sweden
- be the owner, co-owner, or manager of a salon
- agree and comply with the code of ethics set by the programme
- not have a criminal record or a negative business record
- have completed the required 150 hours training in Nuad Thai, resulting in a certificate from the Thai government
What are the benefits to salon owners?
Here are some of the ways that our certification programme helps salon owners:
- Training in business management
- Social Orientation to inform them about the most important aspects of living and working in Sweden
- Individual business coaching from an expert organisations such as NyföretagarCentrum or LEVEL
- Materials that help communicate the salons professionality to customers
- Access to a supportive network of like-minded business women